Foreign Embassies in Slovakia
We hope you will enjoy your stay in Slovakia but if you need any help from your embassy, here is a complete list of foreign embassies in Slovakia with their contact details.
Driver’s License
It is not necessary to possess an international driving permit (IDP) to operate a motor vehicle in Slovakia, both EU and non-EU licences are acceptable in Slovakia, however, you should always drive with your passport / ID. Drivers must be at least 18 years of age. Fastened seatbelts are obligatory for all passengers.
Road type / zone | Speed (km/h) |
Built-up area | 50 |
Roads outside built-up areas | 90 |
Motorways | 90 |
Motorways outside built-up areas | 130 |
Many big supermarkets and shopping-leisure centres have been built in Nitra and in cities around Slovakia in the past few years. They normally operate 7 days a week from 9am to 9pm.
Cafés, restaurants, fast food corners, Post Office or Pharmacy are usually a part of them as well. In some of these centres are also multiplex cinemas.
The usual opening hours for shops outside the shopping centres are from 9am to 6pm on weekdays and between 9am – noon on Saturdays. Smaller shops are usually closed on Sundays and public holidays.
Smoking Policy
Smoking is legally prohibited in restaurants, or allowed only if the restaurant separates smokers and non-smokers. Bars and pubs are not included in the ban. Smoking is also prohibited in shopping centres, bus stops, train stations, hospitals, schools, theatres, cinemas and all governmental buildings.
Electricity in Slovakia is 230 Volts, alternating at 50Hz. If you travel to Slovakia with a device that does not accept 230 Volts at 50 Hertz, you will need a voltage converter. Electric outlets in Slovakia generally accept 1 type of plug with 2 round pins. If the plugs of your electric appliance have a different shape, you may need a plug adapter.
More than 90% of Slovakia is covered by a mobile phone signal. There are three major mobile phone operators (Orange, O2, T- mobile) and several smaller ones.
International prefix for Slovakia: +421
Nitra dialing code from abroad: +421 (0) 37
There are several Post Offices in Nitra, most of them operate from 9am to 6pm. On Saturday and Sunday, the post branches in local shopping centres are usually available.
Public Transport
Public transport in Nitra is due to its size limited to city buses and taxis. A single taxi ride will cost you about 2,50 EUR depending on the distance. It is not common to hail a taxi, but you can always order one over the phone or simply ask a driver at one of the taxies stands around the city.
As for the city buses, please visit: a non-commercial website about public transport in Nitra with detailed information about public transport including a list of routes, timetables, maps and information about tickets. There is much more to discover around Slovakia. Complete information on buses and trains schedules are available in English at,,
Money Official currency in Slovakia is Euro. If you are travelling from outside the Eurozone, we recommend you to bring some cash with you as exchange offices at airports or stations do not always offer the best rate. It is also highly recommended to exchange money in banks or licenced exchange offices rather than in the street. There are several bank branches in Nitra with opening hours from 9am to 6pm. Saturday and Sunday brunches are mostly available in local shopping centres. All major credit and debit cards are accepted in cash machines, shops and most restaurants around Slovakia.
Emergency Phone Numbers
Police, firemen, ambulance... all these are important numbers you may need during your stay in Slovakia
Police 158
Firemen 150
Ambulance (Life emergency) 155
SOS, integrated emergency system 112
Information on phone numbers in Slovakia 1180
Even if you forget all other numbers, please remember to dial 112 in case of emergency!
Health Care and Pharmacies
There are public and private health care providers in Slovakia. Generally, you need to visit the general practitioner (GP) first, who then refers you to a specialist if needed. You might need to bring somebody with you to translate.
Usually, the working hours of medical doctors are between 7am - noon. In case of emergency, you might want to visit an Emergency Room (Špitálska street, 6) that operates between 3:30pm – 7am on weekdays and Non-stop on weekends. Dental Emergency Room is located at the 60 61 same address and operates between 4pm – 7pm on weekdays and Non-stop on weekends.
There is a general practitioner on campus located in the Mladosť Dormitory (side entrance, close to the river, ground floor), who will help you Mon – Fri from 7:30am to 12:30pm .
If you need to see a specialist you may be directed to either the city Hospital (Špitálska street, 6) or Medical Centre in Chrenová (Fatranská street, 12). Dental Centre is located in Párovce (Koceľova street, 29).
There are dozens of pharmacies in Nitra. Most of them are open Mon – Fri , 8am – 6pm, Sat and Sun 8am – 4pm. They take turns in operating Emergency service at nights. Name and address of the one on Emergency duty are listed on the door of each Pharmacy. Pharmacies in shopping centres are open daily between 8am - 8pm.
List of pharmacies close to the university campus:
Pharmacy SUN PHARMA, Shopping centre CENTRO NITRA, Akademická 1/A
Pharmacy CHRENOVÁ, Fatranská 12
Pharmacy PRI HVEZDÁRNI, Fatranská 5
Pharmacy SUN PHARMA, Shopping centre MLYNY, Štefánikova 61
Pharmacy D+D, Štefánikova 53
Souvenir Shop
Are you enjoying your stay with us? Why not visiting our university souvenir shop and bring home something more than just your memories... A small gift will be much appreciated by your friends and family members.
Our university souvenir shop is a part of the University book shop and is located in CH pavilion. We will be happy to help you Mon – Fri from 8am to 3pm.
Copy Shops
There are several copy shops in Nitra. Most of them are located in or around the city centre and your ESN buddy will be happy to show you the way to one of them. However, the most convenient option as for the copy making, printing and scanning would probably be the Reading room (Čitáreň in Slovak) of the university Slovak Agricultural Library located in the entrance hall of the main university building or the University book shop located in CH pavilion.
Student Card
University student card as you may know from your home university can help you to make your stay with us even more comfortable. If you, for example, wish to dine in our student canteen or visit our library you will need the student card. It´s easy! First you need to pay a refundable deposit of 13 EUR (AE pavilion, floor 1, office number 105), then, with the receipt of your payment and passport size picture in jpg.format collect it in the card office (AZ pavilion, ground floor, office number 14). Once you don´t need the card anymore you can return it (AE pavilion, floor 1, office number 105) and your money will be refunded if you return the card and the receipt of the payment (please do not lose it).
Internet Connection
There is an internet connection available in your dormitory. To activate the internet access you will need to visit the IT office (AS pavilion, floor 3, office number 316) with connection fee payment confirmation. The office staff will also assist you in case of any technical difficulties. You can also use computers located in corridors or computer rooms on university premises.
English | Slovak |
Hello | Ahoj |
Goodbye | Dovidenia |
Good morning | Dobré ráno |
Good afternoon | Dobré popoludnie |
Good evening | Dobrý večer |
Yes | Áno |
No | Nie |
Please | Prosím |
Thank You | Ďakujem |
My name is... | Volám sa... |
What is your name? | Ako sa voláte? (formal), Ako sa voláš? (Informal) |
How are you? | Ako sa máte? (formal), Ako sa máš? (informal) |
Fine, and you? | Dobre, a vy? (formal), Dobre, a ty? (informal) |
Nice to meet you | Teší ma |
How much is it? | Koľko to stojí? |
Sorry | Prepáčte (formal), Prepáčte (informal) |
Excuse me (asking for information) | Prepáčte |
Excuse me (to pass through) | S dovolením |
Can you help me, please? | Môžete mi pomôcť, prosim? (formal), Môžeš mi pomôcť, prosím? (informal) |
How can I get to? | Ako sa dostanem do? |
I do not understand | Nerozumiem |
I am trying to learn Slovak | Pokúšam sa naučiť po slovensky- |
One, two, three, four, five | Jeden, dva, tri, štyri, päť |
I need help. | Potrebujem pomoc. |
Train / Srain station | Vlak / vlaková stanica |
Bus / Bus station | Autobus / autobusová stanica |
Plane / Airport | Lietadlo / letisko |
Hospital | Nemocnica |
Dormitory | Internát |